Disappearance of migrants in Mexico

Disappearance of Migrants in Mexico





Migrants, Disappearance of persons, Human rights violations, Right to life, Dignity


The purpose of the following article is to analyze the disappearance of migrants in Mexico, underlining its complexity, its origins, causes and consequences, evidencing that the disappearance of migrants is a systematic and widespread phenomenon characterized by impunity and the vulnerability of migrants caused by multiple factors, the findings obtained after the research and realization of this article show the urgency of protecting migrants in transit through Mexico and guarantee justice and accountability for disappearances, while questioning the performance of the Mexican State in this area, highlighting the need to improve policies and programs in the country. However, we are faced with endless information from multiple media, but unfortunately there are no official figures or one hundred percent reliable information that gives us the reliability of being able to have an approach to what the disappearance of migrants in Mexico is in figures, all through the documentary technique.


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Dossier: "Vulnerabilidad y Derechos Humanos"

How to Cite

Castellanos Sosa, J., Martínez Huesca , F. M. ., & Canseco Vásquez, A. (2024). Disappearance of migrants in Mexico: Disappearance of Migrants in Mexico. JUS Revista Jurídica, 2(12), 141-160. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13136714

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