Desarrollo regional e industria 4.0 en Sinaloa. Una revisión teórica.



Ingenieros, Mercado laboral


Changes in the world of work forced a restructuring of the traditional forms governing labor relations. Unions, and any other form of guilds, as spaces of socialization and organization of workers underwent changes in the ways of interacting and negotiating demands relevant to the global changes. This was the case of university unions which, in the new global and neoliberal dynamics, adapted strategies linked to governance and political and civic culture. However, for the analysis of the conditions of this type of unions, it is necessary to make a theoreticalconceptual reading that contributes to the critique of the particular and qualitative conditions of these forms of labor relations in educational spaces, which share a differentiated dynamic in the forms of sociability and conflict resolution.


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Desarrollo regional e industria 4.0 en Sinaloa. Una revisión teórica


