Constitutional controversy and municipal autonomy in Mexico
Constitutional controversy and municipal autonomy in Mexico
Autonomía política municipal, Controversia constitucionalAbstract
The 1994 reform to Article 105 of our Federal Constitution, which granted the Municipality the constitutional controversy recourse, made effective for the first time the power of political autonomy of the municipalities to exercise, through the courts, the legitimate defense of their constitutional powers against the rest of the public powers of the Mexican State. This condition was strengthened with the recognition of the municipality as a level of government in 1999. Notwithstanding these advances, the intergovernmental design and the internal functioning of the municipalities act as limiting factors in the legal effects of this recourse. The main objective of this paper is to expose the foundations of the constitutional controversy and its institutional limitations in the municipalities. The methodology used is historical, deductive, with a qualitative approach that contributes to the grounded theory.
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