International trade in charge of white shrimp
Commerce international, white shrimp, aquacultureAbstract
Mexico has 11,122 km of continental coastline bordering two main oceans, the Pacific and
the Atlantic. Seventeen states have coastlines, 11 in the Pacific and 6 in the Gulf of Mexico
and Caribbean Sea. National fish production comes from both fishing (carried out with
different fishing gear depending on the type of fish and the area) and aquaculture (industrial
production). Shrimp harvesting in Pacific oceans and lagoons, estuarine systems, marshes
and bays is one of the most important activities on the coast and in the country due to the
many direct and indirect jobs in harvesting, processing and marketing. This research will
show an analysis of the international trade of white shrimp from 2007 to 2015 as an option
for regional economic development in the country. The purpose of this research is to show
that the international trade that is experienced in the country and especially in the State of
Sinaloa in charge of white shrimp, has very varied needs on this food product, especially at
the point that it is necessary to import shrimp to meet the needs of the domestic market.
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