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Author Guidelines

"Authors are invited to submit to this journal. All submissions will be evaluated by an editor to determine if they meet the objectives and scope of this journal. Those considered suitable will undergo peer review before a decision is made on acceptance or rejection.

Before submitting a manuscript, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included in it, such as photos, documents, and datasets. All identified authors in the submission must give their consent to be identified as authors. When applicable, research must be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.

An editor may reject a submission if it does not meet minimum quality standards. Before submitting, ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated correctly. The title should be concise, and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the article. When you are certain that your submission meets this standard, proceed to the checklist below to prepare your submission.


Articles on social communication of science and those that convey an educational experience are unpublished collaborations from various fields of knowledge that meet the following characteristics:

The writing must be clear and concise to facilitate the reading of the texts and arouse interest in the topic. The author should use a friendly language, avoiding specialized terminology. If technical terms are used, they should be explained.
Targeted towards the university community and the general public.
The text should be written with the intention of showing the reader something they did not know, which is of interest or even surprising.
Explain and elucidate facts, concepts, ideas, discoveries, and experiences related to scientific, technological, humanities, literature, or arts activities.
Use visual material to support understanding of the text and enrich the manuscript, as well as links to other sites or materials of interest.
The intention is to provoke curiosity and interest in readers.

If you have doubts, you can consult the following article:

"How to Write a Popular Science Article Without Boring Your Readers to Death" by Guillermo N. Murray-Tortarolo

Format for Submitting an Article

Title (Spanish). We recommend authors choose an attractive title that piques readers' curiosity. Up to 15 words.
Keywords (Spanish). Submit up to five words or concepts that clearly identify the article.
Abstract (Spanish). Provide an overview of the topic to be addressed in the article and encourage its reading. It is an engaging and motivating start that offers readers a general overview of what will be discussed in more detail in the text. 200 to 300 words.
Body of the article. It is recommended that the text be divided into subheadings. Example:
Introduction. State the article's objective. Questions to be answered: What is the problem? Why is it important?
Provide answers to questions: How was the problem studied? What were the findings?
The conclusion of the document where the author should ensure that the reader becomes interested in the topic and explores other sources.
Bibliographic references. Citations and bibliographic references must be included to identify the original sources of ideas, concepts, methods, techniques, and results that come from previous studies the author has had access to and have in some way guided their work. Recent references should be sought.
The citation format is APA; it is recommended to consult and carefully review this Handbook. Bibliographic references are listed in alphabetical order. If available, provide a link to the consulted source.
Length. The article (excluding abstract and keywords) should have a length of between 5 and 10 pages (approximately 1350 to 2700 words, including references, tables, charts, and images). In a 12-point Arial font with 1.5 line spacing, justified. All pages should be numbered.
Submit an editable .doc or .docx file; PDFs or locked documents are not accepted.
To maintain anonymity in the article's review process, the text should not contain author names or the institutions where they work. This information should be sent through the Open Journal Systems editorial manager.

Images. Submit at least three images that contribute to the enrichment of the article; files should be at least 300 dpi, in jpeg, gif, tiff, eps, png format. If appropriate, provide links to websites of interest where additional information on the topic can be found.
Use tables and figures when information cannot be presented or summarized clearly in the manuscript, or when this information is a central element in the work. All graphics, diagrams, and charts should be submitted in an editable format, and their placement in the text should be indicated, along with separate submission. It is recommended to add a figure caption or table header and mention their use in the main text.


ONLY articles with academic and scientific contributions will be considered.

All publications in the SIBIUAS Journal will adhere to the journal's writing criteria and standards. The editing team may modify the texts in accordance with the journal's criteria for electronic document publication.

Submit your article

Authors (maximum of 5 authors per article) must submit their manuscripts with the understanding that the work has not been previously published in print or electronically and is not under consideration for publication in any other medium. When submitting the manuscript, authors accept that their work may be subject to scrutiny to detect plagiarism of previously published works. Authors must act with ethical responsibility and avoid inappropriate practices in their article writing.

Manuscripts not in the correct format (.docx or .doc) will be returned to the authors for correction and resubmission before being considered for the peer review process. A maximum of three initial revisions will be performed, and if the manuscript still does not meet the requested guidelines on the third attempt, it will be rejected outright.

Please review the guidelines for each section in the sections tab.

Plagiarism Detection

All articles will be uploaded to the Turnitin system.

The software compares the manuscript's content to thousands of web pages and other publications. It generates a report for each manuscript, highlighting any content that matches sources in its database. The report includes a percentage of similarity and a list of all matching elements in the document, as well as their location on the web or in another publication.

If a previous work by the same author is used, it must be properly cited to avoid self-plagiarism.

If a high percentage of similarity is detected between a manuscript and another publication, the report is sent to the authors in PDF format so they can identify the areas of their writing that need modification. If plagiarism is detected, the editorial process for the article will be halted, and the author will be notified.

Transfer of Rights

Once the author(s) are notified of the acceptance of their article, they are required to sign a letter of rights transfer, which must be sent to the journal at to grant permission for the publication of their article.

Editorial and Peer Review Process:

All received manuscripts are initially read by the editor. One or more associate editors may be involved in early decision-making about the manuscript. Manuscripts with unclear writing or information not of interest to the SIBIUAS Journal's audience will be rejected at this stage. ONLY scientific communication articles in the educational field are accepted. In the case of other types of proposals, they should be adjusted to a science communication and dissemination sense.
Manuscripts are sent to experts in the field for peer review. The review process is double-blind to ensure that the identities of authors and reviewers are not revealed to each other. Manuscripts accepted will be edited according to the journal's style format.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Research Advances

Formato de artículo de divulgación; puede ser un estudio empírico o bien exponer investigaciones de alto interés general, por ejemplo, desde un caso clínico particular hasta una revisión documental sobre la eficacia de vacunas contra COVID19 en el mundo

Artistic creations

Documentales, ilustraciones, fotografía, pintura, diseño digital, narrativa transmedia, cartones de humor, cómics, infografías, etcétera.

Extensión: De 1 a 2 cuartillas. Se deberá mostrar el significado, motivación, objetivo y efecto que pretende el autor conseguir en los lectores.

Experiences and testimonies

Texto breve relacionado con temas de actualidad, actividades académicas y artísticas

Scientific news

Aportaciones sobre diversas áreas del conocimiento científico y humanístico de interés general

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.