Internationalization experience in nursing and health postgraduate programs Mexico -Colombia



Internationalization, Academic collaboration, Graduate studies, Nursing, Student mobility


The internationalization of graduate programs is essential for fostering the comprehensive development of doctoral students while strengthening institutional ties between academic programs, enabling collaborative work around shared areas of knowledge. This article narrates the experience of a group of nursing doctoral students from Mexico during an academic exchange at a Colombian institution with a well-established disciplinary program. Through this narrative, the aim is to inspire and promote academic, research, and cultural exchange between institutions.


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Author Biographies

  • Dr. Raúl Fernando Guerrero Castañeda, Universidad de Guanajuato

    Doctor en Ciencias de Enfermería. Universidad de Guanajuato, Profesor Tiempo Completo, Celaya, México. 

  • Dra. María Elisa Moreno Fergusson, Universidad de La Sabana

    Doctora en Enfermería. Universidad de La Sabana, Directora de Programa de Doctorado en Enfermería, Chía, Colombia, 

  • MPSP. Pedro Aguilar Machain, Universidad de Guanajuato

    Doctorante en Educación, Universidad de Guanajuato, Profesor Tiempo Parcial, Celaya, México. 


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Portada Experiencia de internacionalización en posgrado de enfermería y salud México - Colombia



How to Cite

Guerrero Castañeda, R. F., Moreno Fergusson, M. E., & Aguilar Machain, P. (2024). Internationalization experience in nursing and health postgraduate programs Mexico -Colombia. SIBIUAS Revista De La Dirección General De Bibliotecas, 4, 56-59.