Problematizing a research idea
Knowledge, Interest, Problem, Reality, ThesisAbstract
Defining a dissertation topic and research idea is one of the first challenges faced by a new doctoral candidate. This brief reflection addresses the favorable and unfavorable scenarios an applicant may encounter even before being accepted into a graduate program, particularly when their research interests align—or fail to align—with those of their potential advisors and the program itself. Once admitted, the next challenge involves problem formulation and research design. These are defined, explained, and conceptualized from various philosophical perspectives, ultimately leading to the core issue: problematizing a research idea. This stage combines interest, reasoning, and facts to develop statements and hypotheses that will both clarify and objectify the research approach, while also determining the most suitable methodology for its execution. The reflection presents factors and suggestions to guide a successful development of this crucial stage in doctoral studies, applicable to any context where a thesis must be developed and defended. Finally, a caution is offered regarding the potential evolution of the topic or idea, as this is closely tied to the critical thinking that students cultivate as they progress in their studies and research.
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