Nursing care process in the community setting: case study
Proceso de atención enfermero, teoría Orem, ámbito comunitarioAbstract
Introduction: Care is considered the essence of nursing discipline. Therefore, it uses the nursing care process as a tool to provide care. The nursing care process is the scientific method which allows nursing professionals to offer care in a structured, homogeneous, logical and systematic way, achieving the provision of individualized and holistic care. Objective: To apply for the Nursing Care Process in the community setting. Methodology: A case study was carried out in the community setting, the nursing care process was used as a methodology, and the five stages were carried out. In the assessment stage, the Dorothea Elizabeth Orem assessment was used, and the cephalocaudal assessment was carried out. In the diagnostic stage, the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) taxonomy was used. Regarding the planning stage, the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Classification of Nursing Interventions (NIC) taxonomy was used. Results: Eight nursing diagnoses were identified (five real, two risk or potential, and one syndrome) and one interdependent problem. Conclusions: Nursing care in the individual's real environment allows for the development of personalized actions with a greater impact in the shortest possible time.
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