Competency optimization in librarians within the ISO 9001 certified process through ICT in the library system of the autonomous university of Sinaloa



ISO 9001, ICT, Information Technologies , Communication , Quality, Users, Librarians, Training


The   certification   of   libraries   at   the Universidad     Autónoma     de     Sinaloa     has     transformed our environment by requiring trained personnel   in   ISO   9001   standards   to   provide   quality services. In this context, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) stand out as crucial tools to optimize training, contributing to the development and empowerment of librarians. This  evolution  is  especially  beneficial  for  those who  cannot  access  the  main  locations  for  in-person  training.  This  approach  aims  to  enhance  the skills of the staff, ensuring a quality service that  meets  user  expectations.  In  this  regard,  this  paper details the certified process management of public services in the UAS Library System under ISO  9001  standards.  Within  the  requirements  to  comply with this standard, the need to demonstrate the  competence  of  the  staff  is  emphasized. However, some members still face difficulties in demonstrating sufficient competence, leading to reconsider the possibility of using ICT as training tools  to  improve  staff  training  and  overcome identified  deficiencies  in  previous  actions  to enhance  their  competencies.  Considering  that  competency   progression   has   become   a   key   element,  highlighting  the  positive  influence  of ICT in the training process and its impact on staff performance.


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Optimización de competencias en bibliotecarios de Proceso Certificado bajo Norma ISO 9001 mediante las TIC en el Sistema Bibliotecario de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



How to Cite

Fuentes Arredondo, A., & Garcia Corrales, A. I. (2023). Competency optimization in librarians within the ISO 9001 certified process through ICT in the library system of the autonomous university of Sinaloa. SIBIUAS Revista De La Dirección General De Bibliotecas, 2, 37-44.