The Arenas Method for learning in Higher Education



Learning paradigm, Motivation, Arenas Method


Learning should not be a difficult task when individuals are motivated by subjects that interest them. Motivation plays a crucial role in this process. The minimum necessary technological resources, which seems to be available, become very useful tools to facilitate learning. The traditional educational model, based on the teaching paradigm, has been questioned for decades. As a result, innovative educational approaches based on the learning paradigm are gaining increasing attention in educational communities. One such method is the Arenas Method (AM), which is being implemented in some educational institutions. This method has proven to produce professionals of highly satisfactory quality standards. This article explores the importance of motivation in the learning process and the impact of innovative educational approaches, such as the Arenas Method, in the formation of highly skilled professionals.


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Portada El Método Arenas para el aprendizaje en Educación Superior



How to Cite

Wilson-Corral, V., López Pérez, J. ., Rodríguez López, M. C., & Gerardo Sánchez, A. (2024). The Arenas Method for learning in Higher Education. SIBIUAS Revista De La Dirección General De Bibliotecas, 3, 84-95.