To Culiacán, in Shadows and Hope
Violence, Culiacán, Social denunciation, Reflective poetry, Artificial IntelligenceAbstract
An artificial intelligence was tasked with creating a poem dedicated to the inhabitants of Culiacán, based on a prompt addressing the population's suffering due to drug-related violence, while acknowledging a sector complicit in normalizing and glorifying this pseudo-culture over decades. Throughout the creative process, the author collaborated with the ChatGPT application to refine the composition, adjusting the verses to align with the proposed ideas. The author applied stylistic modifications and tailored the verses to the specific context, producing a text within the lyrical genre. The poem, marked by its reflective and critical tone, belongs to social poetry as it addresses themes of denunciation and societal transformation. It focuses on condemning violence and the glorification of drug trafficking in Culiacán, blending a tone of indignation with a call for self-criticism and hope. From a technical standpoint, the poem features predominantly hendecasyllabic metre (11 syllables), interspersed with decasyllables (10 syllables) and dodecasyllables (12 syllables). Key stylistic devices include metaphors, rhetorical questions, and apostrophes that directly address the city. Despite the absence of a rigid metrical scheme or uniform rhyme, the fluid rhythm and use of synalephas enhance its solemn and contemplative tone. Overall, the poem exemplifies contemporary poetry, inviting introspection and urging the rejection of violence's normalization while fostering a vision for social transformation.
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