Eco-friendly pest trap for agricultural crops utilizing electronic control and photovoltaic solar energy


  • Canek Portillo Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Author
  • Ubaldo Aguilar Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Author
  • Jorge Valentín Bajo de la Paz Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Author
  • Raymundo Bueno Rivera Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Author
  • Mario García Irigoyen Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Author
  • Laura Alejandra Bonilla Ramos Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Translator
  • Daniel Martínez Campaña Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Author


Agricultural crops, , Insect pests,, Photovoltaic system,, Solar energy


The development of a sustainable trap for the control of flying insect pests in agricultural crops is outlined. This device features an electrical control system powered by solar energy. The trap's design leverages the phenomenon of positive phototropism to attract insects to light sources; it incorporates a lamp equipped with blue LEDs and electronic circuitry that regulates illumination at night and deactivates during the day. Some LEDs are activated sporadically to further influence the flying coordination of the insects. The control circuit and the lamp are energized by a battery that is refilled by a photovoltaic panel. A charge controller is positioned between the photovoltaic panel and the battery as a protective component. Conversely, a tubular structure (PTR) serves as the support for the cabinet (housing the circuitry and batteries), the bases for the photovoltaic panel, the lamp, and the insect collector container. The functioning tests conducted in a residential yard affirm its readiness for relocation to the cultivated field for the upcoming operational phase.


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How to Cite

Portillo Jiménez, C., Aguilar, U. ., Bajo de la Paz, J. V., Bueno Rivera, R., García Irigoyen, M. ., & Martínez Campaña, D. (2025). Eco-friendly pest trap for agricultural crops utilizing electronic control and photovoltaic solar energy (L. A. . Bonilla Ramos , Trans.). Revista Ingeniería Y Tecnología UAS, 7.

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