Population parameters of Emerita rathbunae (Crustacea, Anomura, Hippidae) in “Punta Bikini” beach, Sucre Town, Ecuador


  • René Zambrano Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Acuicultura, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a playa Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador. Manejo y Conservación de Recursos Naturales S.A.S., Alborada etapa XIII, Guayaquil C.P. 090509, Ecuador. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0603-7475
  • Johan Valdez Departamento de Ciencias del Mar, Carrera de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil C.P. 090601, Ecuador. Author https://orcid.org/0009-0009-4201-0550
  • José Luis Mendoza Universidad Estatal Amazónica, Puyo C.P. 160101, Ecuador. Author https://orcid.org/0009-0003-3394-3371
  • Johanna Álvarez Carrera de Tecnología Superior en Acuicultura, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Luis Arboleda Martínez – Extensión Jaramijó, frente a la playa de Balsamaragua, Jaramijó C.P. 132150, Ecuador. Manejo y Conservación de Recursos Naturales S.A.S., Alborada etapa XIII, Guayaquil C.P. 090509, Ecuador. Author https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9422-7190
  • Johan Cedeño Departamento de Ciencias del Mar, Carrera de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil C.P. 090601, Ecuador. Author https://orcid.org/0009-0009-8742-0879


Population density, mole crab, sexual rate, Province of Manabi, South America


Emerita rathbunae is a crustacean that inhabits the swash zone of sandy beaches. Population parameters of E. rathbunae were determined in the Canton of Sucre by linear transects placed in the beaches: Las Bocas, San Jacinto, San Clemente, and Punta Bikini. Two sampling were realized in April 2023. Surface dragging were carried out in the sandy, middle part of the swash zone. The collected individuals were counted and measured (carapace length, LC). Population abundance, size frequency and sexual ratio were estimated. Las Bocas, San Jacinto, and San Clemente showed the absence of E. rathbunae. Punta Bikini showed a higher sexual ratio of females (10:1) whose size range (11-32 cm LC) was higher than observed in males (6-12 cm LC). Population density was 1.35 individuals/m2, according to sex it was 1.29 individuals/m2 for females and 0.24 individuals/m2 for males. In San Jacinto and San Clemente, E. rathbunae was absent because their swash zones disappeared during high tide. On the other hand, the absence in La Boca could be explained due to the nearest to the Portoviejo River Estuary. Punta Bikini is far from the estuary, and the swash zone is maintained, which would explain the E. rathbunae presence on this beach.


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Parámetros poblacionales de Emerita rathbunae (Crustacea, Anomura, Hippidae) en la playa “Punta Bikini”, Cantón Sucre, Ecuador.




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