Palliative care in children with cancer: from the perspective of the role of nursing



Enfermeria, Cuidados paliativos, Niño, Cáncer , Dolor


Introduction: Palliative care in children with cancer is, to a large extent, comprehensive care from the role of nursing, aimed at promoting quality of life, through the prevention and relief of pain and suffering, as well as accompaniment covering their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Objective: Describe palliative care in children with cancer, from the perspective of the role of nursing.
Database and articles consulted: A systematic review was carried out to search for scientific literature, among which are examined; Scielo, Science Direct, Redalyc, Pub Med, Scopus, indexed journals such as; Mexican Gazette of Oncology, Latin American Nursing Magazine, Public Health Magazine, Gaucho Nursing Magazine. Mexican journal of anesthesiology, Chilean journal of anesthesia, primary care, science and care journal, findings journal, clinical journal of family medicine, finlay journal, among others. Conclusions: It is necessary to dignify the role of nursing by consolidating its development of competencies in palliative care, offering quality care from the perspective of humanistic, comprehensive and scientific care, where the identification of the nursing role will not only have a benefit to the palliative, care but will also allow for growth in training, management and research, which is why the need for training courses on this care is considered, since it is an area of opportunity to know and apply them


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Author Biographies

  • Lic. Leticia Yoshoky Cordero Corona, Facultad de Enfermería Culiacán - Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.

    Maestrante de la Facultad de Enfermería Culiacán. Becaria del Programa de Becas de Posgrado y Apoyo a la Calidad del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades Ciencias y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT) México. 

  • Dra. María Isabel Santos Quintero, Facultad de Enfermería Culiacán - Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

    Doctora en Ciencias de Enfermería. Secretaria Académica de Facultad de Enfermería Culiacán de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México.

  • Dra. María Elena Mejia Rojas, Escuela de enfermería - Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

    Doctora en enfermería. Escuela de Enfermería, Facultad de Salud. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, Coordinadora Unidad de Gestión Proceso de Investigación UGPI, Coordinadora especialización de enfermería oncológica UV y miembro de la sociedad de Honor de enfermería Sigma Theta.


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Cuidados paliativos en niños con cáncer:desde la perspectiva del rol de la enfermería.




How to Cite

Palliative care in children with cancer: from the perspective of the role of nursing. (2024). RECIE FEC-UAS Revista De educación Y Cuidado Integral En enfermería Facultad Enfermería Culiacán, 1, 35-44.