Rhabdomyolysis in People Beginning to Exercise from the Perspective of Nursing Care
Rhabdomyolysis, Exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis, Nursing care, Health promotionAbstract
Introduction: Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that causes kidney damage due to necrosis of skeletal muscle cells. In untrained people, it appears 24 hours after exercise, with symptoms such as muscle pain and myoglobinuria. Mild cases may be asymptomatic, while severe cases can lead to acute kidney failure and death. Objective: Describe the damage, diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention of rhabdomyolysis by the nursing professional. Development: Rhabdomyolysis can affect anyone regardless of their physical, economic or social condition, regardless of their muscular condition. It is crucial that nursing professionals are informed for proper management. Diet is an important factor; Vegetarian and vegan diets, excessive consumption of carbohydrates can increase the risk. Proper hydration and rest are essential to prevent rhabdomyolysis, as the muscle needs time to repair after exercise. Exercise should include adequate breaks to allow oxygenation and glucose uptake into muscle cells; breathing incorrectly during exercise can cause hypoxia and contribute to cell necrosis. Nursing professionals should intervene appropriately, teaching patients about signs of exercise intolerance, electrolyte management, and proper diet. Conclusion: It is important to increase research on rhabdomyolysis, especially in the young population. It is recommended that international health organizations carry out studies to quantify the cases of management of this condition.
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