He Link on duty. A Stressful Challenge for Nursing
Tolerance to scheduled work, Nursing Staff, Psychological Stress, Mental Health, Psychological ExhaustionAbstract
Introduction: Nursing staff face challenges that impact their performance and mental well-being, with the "shift liaison" being a constant source of stress, especially in the 30 minutes before the end of the shift. Objective: Analyze the shift link as a stressor agent in nursing staff, considering the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect their mental health, in order to identify how these elements contribute to stress and emotional exhaustion, and propose strategies to mitigate their effects. effects. Development: Work stress, especially during shift work, is examined from a historical and analytical perspective. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that contribute to Burnout Syndrome are identified. Research emphasizes the need for strategies that promote a healthy work environment, as well as the importance of an adequate work environment for mental health. Conclusion: Acute and chronic stress negatively influences the mental health of nursing staff. Taking a responsible approach and promoting a healthy work environment is crucial to improving the quality of care. Effective communication during the shift liaison is vital to prevent adverse events, which requires a humanistic commitment and an empathetic attitude from staff.
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