Criteria for the evaluation of health risk due to the consumption of marine foods.



Risk assessment, pollutants, fisheries resources


This review provides information on the importance of assessing health risks associated with seafood consumption, particularly in estuaries and coastal lagoons. It highlights that contamination in these areas poses risks to marine life and consumers. It explains direct and indirect methods for assessing exposure to contaminants. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of balancing risks with the nutritional benefits of consuming fish and seafood. Additionally, specific examples of studies that assessed risks associated with seafood consumption, considering contaminants such as organic compounds, heavy metals, and others, are provided, and the results obtained in different geographical contexts are discussed. It is also established that health risk assessment for seafood consumption is essential for making informed decisions regarding human health protection and the conservation of ecosystems, considering both the risks and benefits associated with these foods. The need to continue monitoring and assessing risks in specific populations to prevent short-term and long-term harmful effects is emphasized.


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Criterios para la evaluación del riesgo a la salud por consumo de alimentos marinos.




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