Changes in the spatial distribution of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei in semi-intensive culture ponds in response to lunar phases
spatial distribution, shrimp farming, moon phases, patchiness index, variance, meanAbstract
Population sampling of shrimp in culture ponds is important to estimate abundance and survival, however, the gregarious behavior of P. vannameii generates results with a degree of uncertainty due to the high variability of the data. To reduce this difficulty, technicians usually sample during quarter moon phases, assuming a more homogeneous spatial distribution. To test this hypothesis, white shrimp were sampled in three semi-intensive culture ponds during the new moon, full moon, and quarter moon phases. The variance/mean ratio and a patchiness index (Ip) were used as indicators of aggregate distribution. A relationship was observed between the intensity of aggregation and the lunar phases, with higher aggregation indices during the full moon and the lowest during the new moon and first quarter moon. Mass sampling of shrimp during these two phases is recommendedin either of these two phases with a numbers of samples greater than 30, regardless of the size of the pond.
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