Pedagogy, andragogy and interrelation in nursing



Introduction: The relationship between Nursing and Pedagogy in the training of nursing professionals is vital. This interdependence is manifested in the educational process, where educators apply pedagogical techniques while students use perception techniques. We explore theoretical contributions and present relevant opinions that impact professional practice. We describe important concepts and essential characteristics for good teaching practice in nursing, highlighting the training of competent nurses in theoretical and practical knowledge. Objective: Express the pedagogical training of nursing care, through analysis, research, criticism and theoretical foundation between nursing science and pedagogy, also highlighting the role of Andragogy in contrast to Pedagogy in the training of nurses and nurses to perform in the field of care. Development: The educational system in Mexico has evolved toward greater emphasis on critical and creative thinking, influenced by pedagogical figures such as Paulo Freire. In the training of nurses, collaboration between pedagogy and Andragogy is essential to guarantee quality education in health care. Conclusions: Pedagogy, Andragogy and Nursing are closely linked, enhancing educational work. I disagree about teaching indecision in nursing; Our teaching is based on solid pedagogical principles, promoting interdisciplinarity to train professionals capable of facing health challenges with effectiveness and empathy.


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 Pedagogía, andragogía e interrelación en enfermería.




How to Cite

Pedagogy, andragogy and interrelation in nursing. (2024). RECIE FEC-UAS Revista De educación Y Cuidado Integral En enfermería Facultad Enfermería Culiacán, 1, 67-76.