Patient perception about the dignified treatment provided by nursing staff



Trato digno, percepción, paciente, enfermería, relaciones humanas


Introduction: In the nursing profession, quality and dignified treatment are essential to maintain the interest in improving the quality and effectiveness in the delivery of health services to the population, healthy or sick, to achieve the satisfaction of patients and families, to guarantee that they receive appropriate treatment, avoid errors and promote a safe and trusting environment through healthcare, teaching and research activities. Objective: to identify patients' perceptions of the human interactions provided by nursing staff and to describe their perception of the communication offered by nursing personnel. Methods: This quantitative, descriptive study involved 30 hospitalized patients in the emergency and inpatient departments. Participants were assessed using the Factorial Validity questionnaire on dignified treatment in nursing. Results: Among the participants, 60% were women. A significant majority, 96.6% of the patients, reported experiencing good dignified treatment. Specific areas for improvement identified included being addressed by name, feeling satisfied with the care received, and being educated about necessary self-care practices. Conclusions: Nursing plays a pivotal role in enhancing patients' experiences during their hospital stays, ensuring they feel respected and valued, and contributing to their overall well-being and recovery.


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Author Biography

  • Dra. Sandra Paloma Esparza Dávila, Escuela de Enfermería Christus Muguerza - Universidad de Monterrey

    Sandra Paloma Esparza Davila, Licenciada en Enfermería, Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería y Doctorado en Ciencias De Enfermería por la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. En la licenciatura obtuvo el Mérito Académico, y durante el doctorado obtuvo una mención honorífica Cum Laude, pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel I. Actualmente es docente de tiempo completo en la escuela de enfermería Christus Muguerza UDEM y tiene el cargo de Coordinador de Investigación, pertenece al comité de Investigación de Christus Muguerza. Ha sido autora y colaboradora de diversos artículos de investigación en revistas indexadas y JCR así como capítulos de libro y participaciones en congresos de investigación nacionales e internacionales. Actualmente es miembro de la red de investigación Sexualidad Responsable. Correo:


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Percepción del paciente acerca del trato digno que brinda el personal de enfermería.




How to Cite

Patient perception about the dignified treatment provided by nursing staff. (2024). RECIE FEC-UAS Revista De educación Y Cuidado Integral En enfermería Facultad Enfermería Culiacán, 1, 90-99.