He Quality Level of the Nurse Shift Liaison in a Private Hospital
Quality, Shift link, Nursing, Patient, SafetyAbstract
Introduction: Nursing shift handover is one of the most important moments in hospital care, its purpose is to transfer necessary information from patients to colleagues. Correctly performing nursing shift handover can prevent sentinel events, negligence, erroneous follow-ups and even death. Objective: To describe the quality level of nursing shift handover in a private hospital. Methodology: A descriptive, simple, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample consisted of 14 nurses. Data collection was performed by filling out the 21-item nursing shift handover process quality assessment instrument. Informed consent was given. Results: Regarding the sociodemographic results, it was found that the academic training of a bachelor's degree prevailed with 57.1%, being mostly women working the night shift of the 1st floor hospitalization service, obtaining a non-compliance level of 100% overall. Conclusion: Among the activities described in the instrument, the majority reflected a level of non-compliance, with only the activity “reporting the patient's medical diagnosis” standing out, obtaining a high level of compliance at 100%.
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