Academic products and nursing research in COVID-19 care:retrospective analysis



Introduction: At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, manuscripts were published without time to verify their quality, a situation that warrants a retrospective analysis to reflect on the academic products that guided nursing care. Objective: Describe the characteristics of the publications made by nursing regarding care related to Covid-19 in the first semester of the pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional, retrospective design, through an adaptation of Cochrane rapid reviews to identify academic products and published articles, which included "care, nursing and Covid-19". Results: 718 academic products in Spanish were identified. 245 were excluded by title and abstract and 359 were eliminated after being evaluated. Of 114 products evaluated, 43% come from Spain. 22 investigations were evaluated, of which 13 were quantitative with a descriptive and correlational design, 9 qualitative, most of them phenomenological, using participant observation as an inquiry tool. Likewise, 92 academic products were evaluated such as technical guidelines and scientific communications, with preference on topics of care for the elderly and intensive therapy. Conclusions: Most of the eliminated articles were written by other disciplines about nursing care in the first semester of the pandemic. Although the need to have immediate information was justified, it is necessary to reflect on the lack of scientific nursing writing and its lessons learned. The rapidly published evidence was the main source for decision-making in nursing care for people with Covid-19 during the first semester of the pandemic



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Productos académicos e investigaciones de enfermería en cuidados para COVID-19: análisis retrospectivo.




How to Cite

Academic products and nursing research in COVID-19 care:retrospective analysis. (2024). RECIE FEC-UAS Revista De educación Y Cuidado Integral En enfermería Facultad Enfermería Culiacán, 1, 10 - 26.