Nursing Care Process for a Homoparent Family through the Calgary Model



Homoparental Families, Nursing Process, Calgary Model, Type 2 Diabetes, Family Health


Objective: To strengthen health promotion actions, self-care for Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), and communication among members of homoparental families. Background: Homoparental families, representing 0.6% of all households in Mexico, face unique challenges. These families play crucial roles in providing emotional and material support, transmitting cultural values, and fostering socialization and personal identity. Methodology: This study was conducted in Puebla, Mexico, from November to December 2023. The Nursing Process (PAE) was applied through eight home visits using the Calgary Model, which assesses family structure, development, and functionality. Tools used included the Family APGAR, Illness Perception Questionnaire, and lifestyle evaluations, along with genograms and ecomaps. Interventions: Interventions included personalized educational sessions, workshops on insulin administration, and nutritional counseling. The focus was on setting realistic health goals and providing ongoing support. Results: Initial evaluations showed a Family APGAR score indicating dysfunction, a positive illness perception score, and a regular lifestyle score. Post-intervention results demonstrated improvements in lifestyle scores and better T2D self-care practices, highlighting the effectiveness of the PAE and the Calgary Model in improving family functionality and health outcomes.


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Author Biographies

  • Est. de Lic. Alexis Conteras Gil, Faculty of Nursing, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

    Nursing degree student, Faculty of Nursing, Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla.

  • LE. Ana Laura Gil Ramírez, Faculty of Nursing, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

    A graduate in Nursing and a student of the Master's Degree in Nursing at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, she is an active member of the Academic Body of Continuity of Care. Throughout her career, she has accumulated four years of professional experience in the teaching and care field, covering both the public and private sectors. This career has allowed her to develop critical skills in direct patient care, as well as in the training of human resources in the health area.
    Her participation in the field of primary care and health education reflects a deep commitment to the promotion of community health and disease prevention. As part of her contributions, she has worked on the design and implementation of educational programs aimed at training health professionals and improving the quality of life of the populations served. Likewise, her focus on research has allowed her to contribute to the advancement of evidence-based practices, which is essential to guarantee comprehensive and personalized care for patients.

  • Dra. Vianet Nava Navarro, Faculty of Nursing, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla.

    Doctor of Nursing Sciences from the Faculty of Nursing of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon. Master of Sciences in Nursing, Specialty in Perinatal Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing from the Faculty of Nursing, Benemérita, Autonomous University of Puebla. Full-time Research Professor in the Educational Programs of the Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Nursing from the Faculty of Nursing of the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, member of the Academic Body of Sexual Health (BUAP-CA-79), of the BUAP Researchers Registry, of the Thematic Network of Research in Sexuality and collaborator of the research group on sexuality, body and gender: inequalities, violence and horizons of subjectivity, of the College of Social Anthropology of the BUAP. Professional Certification by the Mexican College of Nursing Graduates A.C. (COMLE), Desirable Profile of PRODEP, Level I of the National System of Researchers.

    In collaboration with graduate students, innovative products have been integrated, which

    present copyright registrations (INDAUTOR) with the numbers: 03-2022-030912363100-01 and 03-2024-013012421500-01; which has allowed having an alternative professional consulting service for men, women, indigenous peoples and the LGBT+ community.


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How to Cite

Contreras Gil, A., Gil Ramírez , A. L., & Nava Navarro, V. (2024). Nursing Care Process for a Homoparent Family through the Calgary Model. RECIE FEC-UAS Revista De educación Y Cuidado Integral En enfermería Facultad Enfermería Culiacán, 1(2), 71-82.