Conversations as a Strategy for Academic and Emotional Support: Transition in the Face of the Closure of the Nursing Degree
Tutoría académica, enfermería, deserción escolarAbstract
Academic tutoring is essential to support students in their university career, addressing both their academic and personal needs. The conversations provide a space for dialogue and reflection, allowing students to express their concerns and receive guidance. Objective: To describe the impact of the conversations as a strategy for academic and emotional support. Methodology: The methodological design of the study is mixed, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate the impact of the conversations on the academic and emotional experience of 216 students. Questionnaires were applied before and after the sessions to measure perceptions about the tutoring support, complemented by qualitative analysis of the discussions during the conversations. Results: Before the intervention, there was a high level of demotivation and concern among students regarding their academic and work future. The predominant emotions included uncertainty and fear of the program closing. However, after the implementation of the conversations, an improvement in the perception of the support received was observed, suggesting that this strategy may be effective in mitigating emotional concerns and fostering a more conducive environment for learning. Conclusion: The conversations as an integral strategy in the educational process, highlighting their potential to improve not only academic performance, but also the emotional well-being of students in adverse situations.
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