Academic Stress and Tobacco Use in Nursing Student
Academic stress, Tobacco use, Nursing studentsAbstract
Introduction: Academic stress is an adaptive process that tends to increase as one progresses through school. At times, this stress may be related to substance use, such as tobacco, which is often used to reduce stress levels. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of academic stress on tobacco consumption among nursing students at a public university in Saltillo, Coahuila. Methodology: The sample included 209 students selected through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. To measure the variables,a sociodemographic data sheet, the Systemic Cognocitivist Stress Inventory (SISCO), and the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) were employed. Results: The participants had a mean age of 20.36 years (SD = 4.65), with a predominance of females (84.2%, f=176). 82.3% (f=172) of the participants reported experiencing moments of concern or nervousness during the current semester, with 55.2% (f=95) and 41.9% (f=72) experiencing moderate to severe stress levels. 47.8% (f=100) had ever smoked tobacco, and 16.7% (f=35) had smoked in the past year. Among those who had smoked in the past year, 94.3% (f=33) showed low tobacco dependence, while 5.7% (f=2) exhibited moderate dependence. A positive relationship was found between academic stress and tobacco consumption (rs = .354, p <.05), as well as a difference in academic stress between men and women (p <.05). Academic stress predicted 22% of tobacco consumption in students (β= 2.519, p <.05). Conclusion: Academic stress significantly influences tobacco consumption. It is essential to provide students with strategies to manage academic stress and prevent risk behaviors, such as tobacco consumption.
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